ESRF – European Synchroton Radiation Facility from Grenoble was already a customer of Boessenkool for the delivery of ‘simple’ transport containers. In 1995, this completely different order, a high-tech magnetic holder, was placed with Boessenkool, partly thanks to the existing relationship with CERN. The official name of the magnetic holder technology: Revolver Undulator Carriage. For the professionals at Boessenkool, a beautiful and challenging project that was worked on with great enthusiasm. In addition to this stand-alone version, a mobile version was also produced.
What the machine had to do: the 2 beams in the photo are the holders that in turn were provided with + and – charged particles, both behind and opposite each other. By shooting electrons through them and through the vibration, energy particles are released during that passage. These energy particles were needed for the research at ESRF. By changing packages, the machine could also create different matter. This entire process required an enormous amount of power from the machine.
Other well-known customers since 1995 include CERN, Urenco, Stork, Holec, Hollandse Signaal Apparaten, Cirex, Texas Instruments, Max Plancke-Garching, Fontijne, Mokveld, KLM, ESO and FKI Logistex.